Butter Yaki Bento
It’s been a while since I made butter yaki, so this week when I went shopping I picked up shrimp, thin beef, won bok, and a zucchini. Normally I’d buy bean sprouts too but the last few times I’ve eaten butter yaki I’ve realized what a total pain in the ass it is not only to cook it, but to eat it too.
The eggplant came from Mr. Pikko’s little eggplant tree outside that has like 20 eggplants growing off it, ensuring that I’ll never need to buy eggplant again as long as the plant lives. Next to it is our radioactive eggplant, which I’m too scared to eat. I’m dead serious, the eggplant is neon yellow. It’s from Scary Town.
Here are the leftovers from dinner. If you’d like to make butter yaki yourself, you can find the recipe on my cooking blog Learn 2 Cook. I’d bought a whole pound of shrimp since I knew Baby Girl would reject all vegetables and the beef and then refuse to eat rice and I was totally right. All she ate was 12 shrimps. That’s it. She’d bring her bowl back and say, “More protein please.” It’s like her body is screaming for everything lost during her “Rice Only” years.
I brought the sauce in the most airtight container I have, which is one of the Skip Hop Bento containers, though I put it in a ziploc bag too just in case. I heated up the veggies and meat just for a bit and it made one fantastic lunch!
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Tags: butter yaki