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100k Bento Contest

*sigh* I forgot to upload my bento picture today. I’ll try to post it tonight, if not, then I’ll post it from Kona!

I just looked at my counter and saw that I’m quickly approaching 100k visitors!! I think it’s time for a contest! Prize will be a bento grab bag. I don’t know what I’ll put in it, probably a bunch of bento boxes and accessories. My favorites (depending how many people enter) out of the entries will get posted here on my blog and I’ll create a poll for people to vote. The winner will get the grab bag! This does not have to be a bento that you make just for this, you can pick an old picture of a bento long eaten. Just make sure it’s made by you!

Send to me:

First Name
Picture of bento (must be your own)
Description of bento components
Bento blog link (if any)

Entry deadline is whenever I hit 100k. Get to work, fellow bentists! (my coworker Fleven came up with this ingenius term)