Tonkatsu Bento (216)
Today’s bento is brought to you by the letters ‘B’ and ‘P’. I was making it this morning and went to the fridge to grab the tomatoes. Buddy saw me and immediately got frantic, “BUDDY DO! BUDDY DO!!!!!” He started wailing when I picked them out and washed them because he had wanted to choose them. Since he doesn’t know a firm tomato from a football, I was unable to accommodate his wishes.
Instead, I let him put the tomatoes into the bento, which worked like a charm in getting him to stop screaming. I swear, the kid can turn the tantrum on and off like a light switch. So anyway, this one was done by Buddy and Pikko. I’m one proud bento mama today!
This is tonkatsu from a few days ago. I had no bento yesterday because I had a lunch meeting at The Willows. The place was a ghost town, it was scary. Don’t people eat lunch out anymore?? I especially liked the roast turkey and prime rib. I wish I’d skipped the fish and chicken long rice and gotten more turkey.
Anyway, tonkatsu with furikake rice and green beans and Buddy’s tomatoes. The wedding is this Sunday and I have no idea how much I weigh, but I tried on the SIZE SIX dress last night and I fit just fine (awesome), so that is really all I care about at this point. I’ve got my shoes, my bra, and my dress. I just need to find some nice wedding appropriate earrings, a matching sweater to keep warm, and pantyhose and then I’m all set.
Mr. Pikko and I will be watching UFC 84 in Kona this Saturday. GO GO BJ!