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Beef Tofu Bento (205)

I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday, so I became very bitter when I started eating my Cheerios and realized it was actually Thursday. Then I came in to work and turned on my computer thinking it was Friday again. Then I went to heat up soup and the thought of it being Friday snuck into my head again. Despite this stupid day insisting on being Thursday, I declare it Friday.

Unfortunately this means I will have to come in to work on “Saturday”, but for today, I think I can live with that.

Since I was in a bad mood over this day thing, I didn’t do much for today’s bento. I had take some of the beef tofu dish leftovers and re-cooked it this morning with added tofu, then just plopped it in with rice from yesterday that Buddy never ate.

The veggies in the middle are bamboo shoots and onions. I didn’t cook it, Grandma J did. 🙂 Very yummy, like a beef version of pork tofu but without the thickening. I still have to make my katsu sticks! >.<