Fried Rice Bento
I meant to post this last week, but I ended up with too many things going on. This was Mikia’s lunch on… Thursday, I think? I had bagged up the rice we didn’t eat from two nights before so that I could make fried rice. It was good to use it for once instead of letting it just dry up.

I chopped up ham cold cuts to go into the rice. I fried it with soy sauce an butter, added peas and carrots, and then cracked an egg inside to finish it up. Then I added three shrimps from leftover dinner.
I topped it with fresh green onions I planted outside from a store bunch.

In the other side I have a little square of banana bread, sweet potatoes, apple slices, and a golden kiwi. Overall, a big lunch, but teenagers eat like vacuum cleaners, so I have to pack accordingly.
Happy Monday!
Tags: Mikia Bento