Red Hearts Bento
Although I had planned to make some Valentine’s Day bentos for me and Mr. Pikko, Baby Girl spiked a fever last night and so today I’m at home with her while she reflects on yet another holiday that she misses out on at school. With her to watch, I decided to just put all my attentions into fixing dinner later on in the afternoon. I’ll be starting on making chocolate covered strawberries soon, as soon as they warm up and stop sweating…
This is a bento I made last Friday for myself. I had a little bit of hamburger goulash leftover, so I added a rice hat and then put some red cheese hearts on top for a love theme. In the other side I have fresh fruits and veggies, including another wild pink tomato.
I ended up not eating the cheese hearts as the lunch was a bit filling anyway. I think I’ve been eating a bit too much, even if it’s just fruits, as I feel myself constantly being stuffed. A bad habit to have going into tonight! Still, with three favorites on the menu tonight, I’ve very little chance of losing any weight this week. Especially since I ate a brownie that Baby Girl gave me today… I only ate it because she loves me. Really!
I’m really sorry to say that I didn’t have time to do a heart onigiri tutorial video this weekend. I really wanted to, but ended up digging up the yard to plant some radishes. :[
Here’s a closer look at the hearts. I cut them out with a cookie cutter and then put one drop of red food coloring on each heart. I spread it around with a toothpick.
Weight: 148.5 lbs
I had a really active weekend, spending a ton of time outside in the yard, which made me hungrier so I ate heftier meals to fill up. It’s not much loss, so doesn’t really count imo, but I suppose losing half a pound is still better than gaining weight.
Wish me luck with the strawberries. When melted chocolate is involved, I always need it…
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Tags: Bento, hamburger goulash, Love, Valentine's Day