BBQ Chicken Bento (177)
Happy Friday, everyone!
Today I have for lunch the Korean BBQ leftovers from Wednesday. I used my red bunny lacquer box because it was a nice, compact size and tall too, so it fit everything in nice and tight.
I put some furikake on the rice to help hide all the brown juices that leaked onto it from the BBQ chicken. I sliced the chicken to make it easier to eat and then put the veggies in on top. It looked really dull, so I sliced up some carrot very thinly and tucked it in to give it more life. A very simple fix and the bento looks more colorful!
I am happy to say that I am the prowd owner of Kokua Festival tickets, which will be featuring… Dave Matthews! Woo! This will be his first ever concert in Hawaii. Should be fun! 😀