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Your source for bento tips, recipes, and ideas!

30k Winner & Lunch

Thirty five people entered my bento drawing this time around and this morning I wrote everyone’s name on a lil piece of paper and ended up picking out:

Marie from California!
Favorite bento ingredient: cherry tomatoes

Congratulations Marie! I’ll be in touch with some pictures so that you can choose your box. ^_^ Thank you everyone for entering! It was so nice to hear everyone’s favorite bento ingredients, when I have time I’ll post them up on a page. šŸ˜€

I was going to have a korean food bento today, but I am le ill. So later on I’m going to eat some miso ramen to help my throat (not sure if it really helps, but it sure tastes good!) and I’ll post a picture of it as an update to this post.


My miso ramen with sliced ham and scrambled egg as well as crab and green onion garnishes. This is the Sun Noodle brand sold at Hawaii Costcos, no idea whether they sell it elsewhere!