Spaghetti Bento & 20k! (108)
It looks like today I will be hitting the 20k mark, which is really something for me since I’ve only had this counter up since May, making it 20,000 visits in just over 4 months! Thank you to everyone for reading and I hope you keep coming back!
Yesterday Baby Girl was adamant about eating spaghetti for dinner so we headed to Foodland to do the week’s grocery shopping and I picked up a McCormick packet of spaghetti this time instead of the usual ready made sauce jars. I had wanted to try something new but apparently before I do things like this I should be made to go back to elementary school for reading lessons as I cooked it totally wrong. I read “tomato sauce” instead of “tomato paste” and added 3/4 cup too much water. +_+ Pure genius. I figured the kids wouldn’t care so I just fed it to them kinda watery and I was right, they ate it all up. Probably because I added the magic ingredient, Kraft cheese. I was told once that this is a Big Island habit and that elsewhere it’s considered really weird. Mr. Pikko had to wait an extra hour for the sauce to burn off the extra water. *sigh*
This spaghetti is all Core because I used extra extra lean meat, olive oil, a seasoning packet, tomato sauce, and whole wheat pasta. I have some extra and will likely freeze them tomorrow into cups as Biggie has suggested on her blog. To top the spaghetti I have half a small red bell pepper thinly sliced and then topped with parsley. On the side I have the last remaining butt of garlic bread, which will count as 2 points all by itself.
On my bottom layer I have a small cup full of blueberries. Ever since I started eating them I’ve felt that they have a very familiar taste and last night I finally realized what it is. They taste just like waiwi (pronounced why-vee), which is a small guava that grows here in Hawaii. The picture on that page shows a red guava, but the ones that are more common on the Big Island are the yellow variety. I loooooooooooove waiwi. My dad knows that if he ever sees a big cluster of green ones that he should pick it for me and send it over. When I first met Mr. Pikko he took me to meet his grandpa and he had a yellow waiwi tree in his backyard. Unfortunately the dumb plant was growing into his water line so he had to chop it down. *sob*
I am a serious fruit fan and the best part about growing up on the Big Island is that we have all kinds of awesome weird fruits to eat including waiwi, guava, rambutan, lychee, starfruit, etc. What I miss the most though is hands down: mountain apple. Ohhh man. My grandma had a bigass tree in her yard and my dad used to climb the tree to pick it riddled with spiders and all kinds of gross crap. Lots of times they had worms in them but when you did get one that was free of stings and ripe… ohhhhh. It’s times like this I really miss Hilo. Take a look at this page to see some farmer’s market pictures and maybe you’ll see what I mean. Hilo may have been a dumpy town to grow up in but it sure does have it’s moments.
Ok so back to the bento, haha. I also have green grapes which we bought yesterday. Thankfully, most places seem to be stocking more and more USA produce. YaY! Next to that I have some diet horrors. A brownie cut in half so that it fit into the box on it’s side and then half of a sugar cookie. My sister-in-law baked these and brought them over, claiming they didn’t taste very good but of course she was lying, they taste like heaven. The cookies are a bit odd as they are spongy, but the best part is they taste exactly like pancakes soaked in maple syrup. I wish I could have fit a whole one in there… On the side I also have a KCCA salad and a white peach.
On the menu for tonight: teriyaki ahi with fried tofu steak! Mmmm..
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Tags: Bento, garlic bread, hilo, Spaghetti