Pineapple Chicken w/ No Face Bento
The title sounds kinda weird/gross no? Haha! Well I have done another みやざき (Miyazaki) themed bento for bentochallenge. It’s not terribly creative since it’s just nori and cheese cutouts, but I still wanted to do it as he’s another of my favorite characters from Spirited Away. When I think about it though, what character from Spirited Away couldn’t qualify as a favorite?? ^_^
As you can see I’ve used my leftover blue rice from yesterday’s 100 bento to make my fried rice. In it I put some chopped up imitation crab, my carrot fishies, sliced kamaboko, my bell pepper corals all chopped up, and the okra sliced up. I cracked an egg into it, but that didn’t go so well. My egg curse continues. As I mentioned, I only ate the sushi and hot dogs yesterday and with this bento today I’ve used up almost everything that was left. There’s just a bit of rice left.
On the right I have some leftover pineapple chicken which was a new recipe my MIL tried last night from one of her friends. It tasted great! It’s very soft, has a teriyaki flavor with a slight sweet taste. There are chopped up green bell peppers as well as chunks of pineapple.
As I said, No Face is made out of nori and cheese. His face was quite a challenge to cut out, especially his eyes. I had to cut three versions of those before I got them right. Here is a closer picture of him:
All this Miyazaki bento has made me want to watch the movie again. Unfortunately my DVD is damaged and the PS2 doesn’t read it anymore so I have to watch it on my computer, which I don’t like much. Though maybe it’ll be better now that I have a widescreen monitor!
I started up a Guestbook yesterday, so feel free to sign it! It’s on the right sidebar. I had a lot of wonderful comments yesterday both here and on Live Journal and I want to thank all of you for the lovely things you all said. It was definitely worth the work!
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Tags: Bento, Bento Challenge, Charaben, Chicken, fried rice, Spirited Away