3 Bento Day & Store
Today is Admissions Day, the day that Hawaii became the 50th state. It’s also check-ins at UH Manoa which means that starting Monday, I’ll be taking much longer naps on the way in to work. Muahaha! Anyway, while normally I’d be celebrating a long weekend, Mr. Pikko has to work so that means for the next two days I have to watch my two darlings by myself. In case it’s lost in the interwebs, I say that with sarcasm. Somewhere along the way my children were replaced with Tazmanian devils. Today Baby Girl stripped and refused to put on clothes for 2 hours and Buddy spilled like 4 cups of water and 3 bowls of cheerios.
My bento today consists of all leftover things. Strawberry spinach salad on the right side topped with slivered almonds. In the strawberry bottle is some of my MIL’s salad dressing that goes with this salad. On the left side I have two pieces of leftover Tiger Maki, which is basically a California roll with shrimp covering the top. Sadly, I did not make it, I bought it yesterday from Sushiman. Also on the left is edamame soaked in something that smells like Italian dressing and then in the little cup is the rest of my cucumber pickles and a grape tomato.
In the hopes that they’d calm down, I made the two little hurricanes spam musubis and put them into little bentos. Baby Girl did not do so well, eating only the sweet potatoes, cheese, and apples. I guess by the time she was done with that she wasn’t hungry enough for the musubi. Though she claims she’ll eat it later, I had to toss it out. She can eat one of the extras when she gets up from nap.
Buddy is very good with vegetables, so his bento is structured a bit differently. He’s got spam musubi just like his sister but also has edamame sticks, chunks of apple, cucumber slices, and carrot fishies. Unfortunately since their goal for the weekend is to drive me insane, he ninja’d a sweet potato star from Baby Girl who then screeched to high heaven about it and when I convinced him to give it back to her, she then threw it back at him declaring it “Yucky!!” because “He SPIT on it!!” *sigh* Although he completely dismantled the musubi, he did eat it all. And he ate most of the veggies and all of the apples!
The store has been updated with most of the new items I have available, most notably the boxes. I have a few more accessories I have to put up, but aren’t those Hello Kitty boxes adorable?!? Click the link in the sidebar to take a look!
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Tags: apple, Bento, carrot, cheese, cucumber pickles, cucumbers, edamame, Kids, Salad, Spam Musubi, spinach, store, strawberries, Sushi, sweet potato